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Easter : Joy and Peace

Updated: May 10, 2022

Easter greetings of Joy, Love, Peace and Hope. Let these peace quotes flow over and seep into me : « Peace I leave you. My peace I give you ». Jn 14 :27

« Whatever happens be always at peace and trust in God ». (Nicolas Barré, Letter 61)

Reflection : « God’s peace is like roses that are always surrounded by thorns. Rejoice when you are surrounded by thorns, powerless ans in darkness ». (Letter 41)

It is a challenge to have to suffer at times in the pursuit of Peace. Pope Francis impresses on us that we are called to be mediators of peace « spending ourselves generously till we are consumed, knowing that the only gain is peace. We are called to unite and not divide, to extinguish hatred ans not hold on to it, to open paths of dialogue ans not construct new walls ».


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