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Pentecost: living synodality

At this present time each of us is called, with the whole Church, to welcome the breath of the Holy Spirit, to let ourselves be disturbed and changed by this breath, to walk together, to be synodal with each other and through each other. This process of synodality is also joined with all of you in prayer, with the desire, whatever our age, to remain in touch with the invitation of Pope Francis to renew and revitalize our Church which is too often weakened and divided. What a challenge in our world of violence and untruths! What a challenge in a world dominated by money, where no one is safe from war and terrorism! And it is in this world that we are called and sent to make Jesus, the Christ, known and loved, to share the Good News that can save it.

What a challenge then for each person: to make our Church, our Institute, our communities, the various groups to which we belong, “an icon of the Trinity”! The synodal journey is much more than a reflection on the organisation of roles or the sharing of power… It is a conversion to which we are all called; it is an invitation to live relationships which, even without words, speak of a God who is Love. Nicolas Barré tells us that it is a demanding, painful conversion: Respect for one's neighbour must be full of love, and this love is a crucifying path to holiness (MAP 206). How beautiful, encouraging and illuminating we find this contemplation of our humanity becoming divine in the humble, painful and joyful efforts of synodality, in the conversions that constantly infuse our relationships along our journey together!


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