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Reflections from Malaysia

COP28 is scheduled in Dubai from 30 November to 12 December, with world leaders coming together for two weeks of crucial climate discussions. It comes at the end of a year which will probably be the hottest on record.

This Conference can represent a change of direction,” said Pope Francis in his recent Laudate Deum bulletin, “showing that everything since 1992 was, in fact, serious and worth the effort, or else it will be a great disappointment and jeopardise whatever good has been done so far.

Our Sisters in Malaysia have been reflecting on the Global Ecological Crisis and have contributed to the following statement made by MRA (Malaysian Religious Assembly)

In celebrating Earth our common home, we acknowledge the sacredness of our interconnectedness with God, one another and the whole of creation. The survival of human life and every living creature are interdependent on the resources of the earth. However, our attitudes of greed and selfishness have led to the destruction of our own survival.

The Global Ecological Crisis is rapidly affecting the human family and all of life on earth and we know there is no reversal. The crisis is interconnected from climate change to biodiversity loss, depletion of resources, and many more which leads to other social problems such as extreme poverty and social inequality, climate refugees, etc. Hence, the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor is one global crisis. There is an urgency to ensure protection and sustainability of the earth and its resources for future generations.

As religious, we have a responsibility to assume a leadership role in undergoing a personal and communal ecological conversion that comes from within our hearts.

This conversion should lead to every possible effort to care for the earth, even in the face of indifference and resistance.

The Religious made the following commitment:

1. To adopt an integrated approach at personal and communal levels

2. To live a simple life style

3. To reduce waste

4. To dialogue and partnership with government agencies and private sectors to collaborate and implement programs to care of the earth and sustainability of resources for future generations.

Our last General Chapter in 2019 called us to take concrete steps to respond to the ecological crisis we are facing now. Since then, our Sisters throughout the Institute have been reflecting on how to participate more actively in the process of creating awareness on the climate crisis. We take great inspiration from what others are doing and are particularly grateful to our Sisters in Malaysia for sharing their inspirational reflections.

Sr Margaret Walsh

CAFOD’S Prayer for the COP28 climate summit God of blessings, the universe sings of your glory. Deepen our gratitude for all you have made and awaken in us a renewed commitment to care for the earth and each other. Inspire world leaders at COP28, with openness to listen to those most affected by climate change and with courage to act urgently and wisely, so that our common home may be healed and restored and all people, and generations to come, may delight in it. Amen.


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