The Congregation of the Infant Jesus Sisters was founded in France in 1662 by a priest of the Order of Minims, Fr Nicolas Barré, now Blessed Nicolas Barré.
With his apostolic spirit, eager to make Jesus known and loved, he formed a group of young women volunteers. In the beginning they helped in the parish, working for the human and Christian formation of the poorest and most vulnerable families. Soon he issued an invitation to them to live in an apostolic community. They responded with zeal and enthusiasm and became the first members of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Infant Jesus.
We are currently in Asia (Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, Singapore, Thailand); Europe (Czech Republic, England, France, Ireland, Italy, Spain); Africa (Cameroon, Nigeria); and in Latin America (Bolivia, Peru).
We arrived in Peru in 1967. The invitation came in a letter from a Bishop in Peru to the Sisters of the Infant Jesus in Spain. Believing the letter to be divinely inspired, they had the courage to accept this challenge. They visited and got to know possible locations for their first mission to "... foster the growth of all people … so that each one may be formed in the love and knowledge of Jesus Christ.” BI 1
The first Sisters started this work in the schools. Later they saw that education should not be confined to schools, but that the Sisters of the Infant Jesus should educate in an holistic way by helping the people to improve their health, their agriculture, their whole lives.
At present we seek to share our lives with the most vulnerable, in different places. If you would like to learn more about our charism and the spirituality of the congregation, you will find us in the departments of Lima, Callao and Cusco.

Sr Monica with some of her students in the Fe y Alegria 33 School in Mi-Perù Ventanilla.

Sr Carlota encouraging people to grow healthy food.

Sr Monica with some of her students in the Fe y Alegria 33 School in Mi-Perù Ventanilla.