“The harvest is abundant but the labourers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out labourers for his harvest” (Matt 9:37). This prayer became meaningful for us on 25th September 2020 in our Nigerian communities as we had two young women saying ‘YES’ to God's invitation to serve Him in His people.
Christ calls us to Himself, to share in His life and unite ourselves with His mission. Today, He invites Mary Gani and Yopna’an Patrick to follow Him in the ways He has chosen for them The Profession Mass was presided over by Rev. Fr. Mark Nzukwein, the Rector of the Major Seminary, Jos, and a good number of priests, sisters from different congregations, family members, friends and the church community of Our Lady of Perpetual Help Rahwol Kanang, Bukuru, Jos to celebrate with us.
During the presentation of gifts, their families brought food items that are very significant for their traditions and cultures when giving their daughter’s hand in marriage. This implies that, they have understood the vows their daughters have made and are wholeheartedly giving them for the service of God and humanity. We thank them for their generous 'YES' and we ask God to bless them abundantly.
We congratulate them on this joyous day of their First Profession of Vows and we wish them well as they take a bold step in their new apostolates.
Sr Rebecca Odu, Vice-Provincial