When we were novices long ago, we were taught how to be aware of our motivation, how to have a “pure intention”. It is still important. Father Barre encourages us "to do everything out of pure Love, telling us that "a little love makes everything easy". St Paul asks us “to do everything as if for the Lord” (Col. 3: 23).
Recently I read an extract from Meister Eckhart which could be my motto: “Wisdom consists in doing the next thing you have to do, doing it with all your heart and finding delight in it”. People often wonder how they can be truly happy and one way to happiness is to do whatever we are doing, with all our heart and to enjoy doing it. In the book of proverbs Wisdom describes Herself as being with God as He created the Cosmos. She tells us: “I was close beside Him, I was His daily delight, forever playing in His Presence, playing throughout the world and delighting to be with human beings” (Prov. 8:31).
We could practice this, delighting to be in God’s Presence and seeing ourselves as His delight, and as co-creators with Him, whatever we are doing.
Sr Georgina