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Ecological initiatives in Peru

As part of our Sisters' commitment to the environment in Peru, a workshop was organised with pupils, teachers and parents from the schools of Collique (Lima) and Mi Perú (Callao), under the direction of Sister Carlota.

The aim was to make them aware that creation, and therefore nature, is a gift from God out of love for everyone, that Mother Earth is life, the generator of life and hope. Life is born of God, God is life and love, man is the breath of God.

"The Lord of life has placed his trust in us, placing his creation in our hands, and so he has entrusted us with the care of the earth, of the planet", explained Sister Carlota.

She stressed the need to be aware of all the damage caused to the planet for economic reasons (industrial pollution, logging, fires, etc.). The lack of capacity to manage solid waste, generated above all by excessive consumerism and the use of disposable materials, is also a serious problem. So... what can we do? Sr Carlota continues: "We can - and this is just one example - learn to recycle many discarded or damaged materials: bottles, buckets, tins, etc. Used to grow vegetables, fruit and vegetables, they can be recycled. Used to grow vegetables, aromatic or medicinal herbs and ornamental plants, these pots will be perfect for growing crops without fertilisers or chemicals !"


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