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Finding our Purpose

It's been said that the meaning of life is to give life meaning; to search for find, and be motivated by a sense of purpose or a mission. It is not just about grand, philanthropic entrepreneurship,

running an orphanage, or saving lives, it can be whatever internal drive fuels you with a vision that gets you out of bed each morning.

Regardless of the path we choose, we may feel “empty” despite having loads of money, a big house, or the latest iPhone. These things may impress others or provide a false sense of security, but

they don’t give our life meaning. Altruism is the path to true fulfilment. It gives us purpose, while consumerism just gives us more stuff. By making mindful purchase decisions, we can make a meaningful impact, not just in the world outside of us, but also within and so avoid feeling empty inside.

The key is to practice discernment as a way of life. Whenever I’m tempted to buy something, I first ask myself why I want to buy it. I already know material things only momentarily boost my mood, they are not an investment in my overall well-being (especially if the true cost causes harm).

‘It is in giving that we receive’ Saint Francis of Assisi.

And we must not worry, which betrays a lack of trust in God to be there and care for us in the future, or boasting, which shows a lack of belief that God will have his own ideas and will sovereignly direct us in the future. We must place all our trust in God and the direction of our true destiny will unfold before us.

Nicolas Barré tells us: ‘Focusing on getting worldly recognition is the greatest obstacle to finding inner peace. Many people long for peace but behave in a manner entirely contrary to the Spirit of

God. They want things to happen for them in the way they want. We must not seek for peace in externals or in worldly terms even if this may seem to lead to peace. It must find its home in our

inner life and be with us in times of suffering and opposition. This will come about, without fail, if we are living with conviction that God is our all - for God alone we live. This is our only way of attaining true peace’. (R.R.3)

Prayer: May God give us the grace to live meaningful lives by giving life meaning.


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