Well into the 21st century, do we need an encyclical about the Heart of Jesus? Pope Francis believes that we do. “ Amid the frenetic pace of today’s world and our obsession with free time, consumption and diversions, our cell phones and social media” we need to rediscover the Loving Heart of Jesus.(DN 84) Francis believes that in in our technical age, with our growing reliance on artificial intelligence, we need to be reminded of our own heart. (DN20). The heart can be the dwelling-place of love in all its spiritual, psychic and even physical dimensions. This can never be captured by algorithms. (DN 21). Francis wants us to understand that God loves humanity and each one of us with our unique body-soul complexity. We need to rediscover, in the deepest fibre of our being, that we were made to love and to be loved. Nothing else can fully satisfy us, or bring peace and justice to our world and our everyday relationships.
When Nicolas Barre searched for the source of our Institute, he found it in the very Heart of God. God Who is Love so loved he world that He sent His only Son to become one of us. Jesus loves us with a truly human Heart enflamed with the Fire of Divine Love. We need this fire now.