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In Japan, a "Fountain of Love"

The Fountain of Love Catholic Centre was founded in 2022. Its aim: to support the development of Denenchofu Futaba School in Tokyo - formerly run by the Infant Jesus Sisters - by offering various activities so that the school can continue religious education and remain strong. As a result, three Sisters responded to their request to cooperate with the Centre and started the Bible class. A wonderful experience!

"Through the exchanges and communications with them (pupils'mothers), we support each other and I feel delight and peace welling up in my heart." Sr Theresia

"This is my second year at the Catholic Center, and I feel blessed with a new encounter with the mothers." Sr Emily

"The class being small, I try to establish first a good relationship among us. Making a lecture a bit shorter, I manage to squeeze time for discussion and sharing." Sr Maria Immaculata


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