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Jesus is Risen

Updated: Apr 2, 2024

 The women went with great joy to tell the Good news: Jesus is Risen.          (Matt. 28:8)


Easter is the central event of our Christian faith – the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

All around us Easter is happening, Risen Jesus, open our minds and hearts. Let us see and welcome your presence.

We take time to pray and reflect on the resurrection stories and allow them to speak to us today.

Ø They their eyes were opened, and they recognized him    Luke 24:31

Ø Jesus Himself stood among them and said, ‘Peace be with you’   Luke 24:36

Ø ‘Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have come to believe’    John 20:29

Maxims for All People N° 49,  Nicolas Barré wrote, ‘Christians should greatly rejoice in the fact that Jesus Christ is risen; however, their main concern should be to continue to struggle for the establishment of His Kingdom here on earth’.


Risen Christ, we give you thanks for the new life and hope that you bring,

Empower us as we seek to share this hope with others

and to transform our world with hearts full of love and joy. Amen.


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