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New Mission in North Cameroon

Updated: Oct 3, 2022

At the invitation of the Archbishop of Garoua, Mgr. Faustin Ambassa Ndjodo in 2019, the Infant Jesus Sisters, after a time of prayer, reflection, discernment and visits to the area, have responded to the call and challenges in GASCHIGA. An area of first evangelisation, where there is a great need for the Education of children and young people, Primary Health Care, Pastoral work and Interreligious dialogue.

The choice of Gaschiga responds to our charism: to give priority to those most in need, by providing a human and spiritual formation.

Three sisters along with those who accompanied them were warmly welcomed by the Archbishop and the population on September 11th 2022 during a Eucharistic Celebration.

The Archbishop welcoming the Sisters

The new Community: Sisters Ingrid, Françoise and Marie Agatte (Left to Right) taken in front of their house with the parish priest, Sr. Benedicta and children.


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