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One Lenten journey

In our small Synod group meetings, we have been reflecting on the importance given to baptism, in the Synthesis Report. “Before any distinction of charisms or ministries we are all baptised by one Spirit into one Body” (1:3c). It recalls the tradition of the early Church of preparing adults to be Baptised at the Easter Vigil, at the end of a long two- to-three year journey of initiation. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults, dating back to the 2nd century, is now normal practice in parishes, culminating with adult baptisms at the Easter Vigil.  “The Church teaches them to walk by walking with them. It listens to them and as it responds to their doubts and questions, it is enriched by the newness each person brings through his or her history, language and culture. (1. 3c)

These reflections sparked off in me the desire for some kind of “initiation journey” for the renewal of my baptismal promises this Easter Vigil. I decided to reflect and pray, each day of Lent, on some aspect of this amazing grace of being a daughter of God, sharing in Divine Life.  As I journey along I find fresh connections with our own Infant Jesus Sisters spirituality:

-          Our foundation text: “God… gave His Only Son…that people may not die but have Eternal Life”(BI 3)
-          Our goal: “Our personal and Community life is oriented towards this goal: that all peoples may come to know the Love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and share in His Life” (BI 5)
-          Our appreciation of uniqueness: “The gifts which God has given to each nation and to each individual are different and contribute to the richness of the Body of Christ” (BI 55)

   Sr Georgina Clarson

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