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Our Advent journey continues

As we continue our Advent journey, we are conscious that it is a time of preparation, being more attentive to the daily Advent liturgy, a time to talk of Christ’s birth and the importance of his coming to live among us as a child.

What kind of world is Jesus coming into?

We see children in our world today who are living in violent and troubled parts; those homeless, like in the time when Jesus was born,’ no room in the inn’ Luke 2:7

This Advent invites us to make the world a better place to live for all, especially the most vulnerable.

Jesus is coming to bring joy to the world. How can this joy be made real?

The mystery of the Incarnation is a mystery of poverty. ‘God was rich but became poor for our sake, to make us rich our of his poverty’ 2 Cor 8-9

  ‘Responding to this call, we discover the joy of entering into the mystery of Christ poverty and of sharing in the choices he made'.  (Book of the Institute N° 28)

Reflection:   If you see somebody falling behind - walk beside them
                 If you see somebody being ignored - find a way to include them
Always remind people of their worth - one small act could mean the world to them


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