It is hard for us to describe what is happening in Peru this year. Not for the first time, the pandemic highlights the global inequalities which we experience all the time, but which are exacerbated by COVID-19.
We started the school year in March. Then we received a surprise message from the President announcing the quarantine. We then had to locate telephone numbers, addresses, and the various means which would make communication with our classes possible. We became familiar with the necessary technologies: Zoom, WhatsApp, television and radio, cell phone rechargers, etc. We made use of the photocopier to duplicate lessons and instructions, which were collected from our house. A positive element in all of this is the creativity of the teachers; we greatly appreciate their support.
But the virus has taken its toll on the health of all. We suffer the loss of friends, neighbours, parents, sometimes through the lack of a doctor or a hospital bed. Oxygen is available through negotiation but at exorbitant prices.
The fundamental injustice, the blatant inequality, the corrupt structure which favours the few at the expense of the many, once again became visible, while the authorities turned a blind eye. The people are deprived of water (so essential in this context), of food, clothing, work, physical space, decent housing, etc. The district has a lot of contagion.
A reflection with the teaching staff led us to take actions:
To reduce school fees in solidarity with the people
To visit the hills and identify first-hand those most in need
To delegate to the Social Assistant and Sr Elizabeth Camacho this difficult task.
Our people, most of them with itinerant and casual independent work, had been confined to their homes for a few months, and so they could not earn money to provide for their families.
After verification, we prepared some food baskets and delivered them to those in most need. They all worked together in the hills for the common good. We pruned the school trees in order to supply them with firewood. To this day they continue to knock on our door requesting food.
In July, some of the restrictions were lifted, and the population returned to work with the motto: "I die of Covid or my children die of hunger." We feel solidarity with them but we cannot reach them all. We are trying to live the charism of Blessed Nicolas Barré, to share life on the periphery, where we meet the most vulnerable.
God – his hope and his mercy – has been present and active in our feelings and in our actions. We remain united in prayer, thanking God and asking him to help us grow in service and trust.
With love, Fátima and Elizabeth, Collique, Lima, Peru
Difícil de expresar lo vivido en esta cuarentena del COVID-19 La Pandemia mundial nos dejó desorientadas y descubrimos una vez más las brechas o desigualdades mundiales.
Fue difícil iniciar en marzo el año escolar, al ser sorprendidos con el mensaje del Presidente invitándonos a guardar la cuarentena posteriormente tuvimos que ubicar teléfonos, direcciones, y medios para iniciar las clases; el desarrollo fue a través del zoom, whatsapp, televisión, radio, fotocopias (que recogían en nuestra casa), recargas a celulares, etc. otra brecha que marcaba a la escuela, la creatividad del maestros y el apoyo es de agradecer.
La realidad sanitaria muy débil, sentimos la pérdida de amigos, vecinos, Padres de Familia, por no encontrar un médico o una cama en un hospital. El oxígeno, se negoció a precios inalcanzables.
La injusticia, la desigualdad, el acopio de unos cuantos, una vez más, invadieron nuestros cerros, “una bandera blanca”, avisaba del olvido de parte de las autoridades.
Privados de agua (tan esencial en este contexto), de alimentos, ropa, trabajo, de espacio físico, de vivienda digna, etc. Un distrito de mucho contagio.
Una reflexión con el profesorado nos condujo a tomar acciones:
- Dar una cuota solidaria - Visitar los cerros y constatar de primera mano los más necesitados. - Delegar a la Asistenta Social y a la Hna. Elizabeth Camacho, para esta difícil tarea.
Nuestra población la mayoría con trabajo independiente, ambulantes e informales, llevaban unos meses confinados y sin poder traer el sustento a su hogar.
Después de la verificación, se prepararon unas canastas, haciendo entrega de las mismas, se colaboró a las ollas comunes que se habían organizado en los cerros. Podamos los arboles del colegio para colaborarles con leña. Hasta la fecha continúan llamando a la puerta solicitando comida.
En julio hubo menos restricciones y la población salió a trabajar con el lema “Muero de Covid o mueren mis hijos de hambre”. Sentimos la solidaridad pero sin llegar a todos.
El Carisma B.N. Barré, nos condujo a compartir nuestra vida en la periferia, donde encontramos, a los más vulnerables.
La presencia de Dios, la esperanza y su misericordia, han estado presentes y activas en nuestros sentimientos y acciones.
Sigamos unidas en oración, dando gracias a Dios y pedirle nos ayude a crecer en servicio y confianza.
Un abrazo. Fátima y Elizabeth (Collique – Lima-Perú.)