I want to share the reflection that a friend made when she heard the heartbeat of a child in the womb.
She said: ‘Listening to people’s sharing, I can feel how in the daily routine of life God allows us to experience his presence’.
The heartbeat in the life of every human being is a significant act of God’s presence, it allows us to feel his actions in every second, a gratifying creation that invites us to give thanks for life, for every moment shared, for the different situations experienced. This feeling allows us to dialogue with God who loves what he created. It allows us to read the word, listen to what it tells me today at this moment in my life. The heartbeat heard allows us to know at that moment that life is present. To be aware of this wonderful act is to perceive the constant call of God in every minute of our life.
Sr. Yolanda Cusi Gonzales
Letter 4: Is it the human being that seeks God? Or rather is it God who seeks and urges the person to give himself/herself to Hi
m? Fr. Barré insists on the necessity of not letting anything distract us. He encourages contemplation, that is, living respectfully and lovingly in the presence of God. O Jesus! O Love!
‘Let us not spend one hour without casting a glance of love, confidence or abandonment towards Jesus’