In Italy, Sr. Caterina has been working for some years with an association that helps women who are victims of human trafficking networks in the region of Calabria.
Through her, a lay person linked to our Institute, Mimmo, wished to contribute to making known this reality, often unknown or ignored, by writing a novel testifying to the facts but also to the work that the Sisters of the Child Jesus accomplish, in various ways, in favour of the most disadvantaged.
Sr Caterina, having met many women on their arrival on Italian soil or in the reception centres, was able to pass on many testimonies to the author, who then produced a work that retranscribed the tragic experiences of three young African immigrants.

Today, this novel, Il riflesso della luna (The reflection of the moon), has become a valuable and useful tool for raising awareness of this form of modern slavery that affects millions of people around the world. But above all it is an invitation to hope and to "overcome evil with good".