Recently I came across a sentence that puzzled me:
“The time after Easter… is a time for a faith permeated, not just by the Holy Spirit, but by the Spirit of the Risen Christ, that is the Spirit of God-Man”. Is there a difference? The expression “Spirit of Jesus”/ ”Spirit of Christ” / “Spirit of the Son” is found both in the Acts (16:7) and in some of st Paul’s letters (Roms 8:9, Gal 4:6, Phil 1:19). In Genesis the Spirit is recognised as the Spirit of God: “The earth had no form and was void, the Spirit of God hovered over the waters” (Gen 1:2). The influence of the Spirit on people, especially on the prophets is recorded all through the Old Testament. These people were temporarily “possessed” by the Spirit. Isaiah foresaw One on whom the Spirit of God would rest, permanently. “The Spirit of the Lord will rest upon Him, a Spirit of wisdom and understanding, a Spirit of counsel and power, a Spirit of knowledge and awe of the Lord” (Is 11: 2). This is the Spirit that filled Jesus, Who was manifested in all he said and did. The Holy Spirit lived in a totally new way in a human being, in the Person of Jesus of Nazareth. The gifts and fruits and power of the Spirit came to perfection in Jesus.
The day before he died, Father Barre said to the priest who was to give a talk to the sisters: The Pentecost season is now approaching. Show them how the Holy Spirit must take possession of them and how they must take possession of the Holy Spirit. (AD 10)
We could say that Jesus is the image of the unseen Spirit and that the one who sees Jesus sees how the Holy Spirit can live and act and bear fruit in our humanity.
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